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IFS Downunder - Deep conversations with leaders in the IFS space and honorable conversations sharing the stories of homegrown Australian IFS Therapists and practitioners with the Australian and international IFS Communities. A creative collaboration between IFS Therapist & Somatic IFS Therapist Suzanne Herrity and Certified IFS Therapist Oliver Brooke both based in Perth, Western Australia (Down Under).

Episode 1: IFS, The Others Within Us, Spirituality and Psychedelic Therapy - Bob Falconer Interview
June 2023
Episode 2: IFS lens on Australia, Suicide Parts, Aboriginal Clients, Uluru Statement and the Voice
Heidi Lethbridge Interview - September 2023
Episode 3: Derek Scott's incredible IFS origin story confirming we are not broken and
IFSCA's latest offerings - November 2023
Episode 4: Nicles Bestel discussing Dissociation, IFS & DID - a compassionate perspective - February 2004
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